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Monday, June 15, 2009

Deadline Email Notifications using Bugzilla Whining Feature

Bugzilla is a great project. Yet, customizing it to your needs is an overwhelming task!

I was assigned a task that our Bugzilla server should automatically notify the task assignees upon the deadline. After a lot of search and reading, here is what I reached at...

First, since our ISP did block our Sendmail server, we needed another way to send emails from Bugzilla... and this post saved my life:


The perl module Email::Send::SMTP::TLS was installed using the CPAN command:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install Email::Send::SMTP::TLS'

Then, from the administration, the email service was set to SMTP::TLS as per the instructions in the previous link.

Finally, the bugzilla code was modified as per the instructions, as follows


if ($method eq "SMTP" || $method eq "SMTP::TLS") {

my $smtp_server;

my $smtp_port;

($smtp_server,$smtp_port) = split /:/,Bugzilla->params->{"smtpserver"};

push @args, Host => $smtp_server,

#username => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_username"},

User => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_username"},

#password => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_password"},

Password => Bugzilla->params->{"smtp_password"},

Hello => $hostname,

Debug => Bugzilla->params->{'smtp_debug'};

push @args, Port => $smtp_port if($smtp_port);


Now I have a Bugzilla system that can send emails... well, what about automated notifications? The whining feature came into play...

The whining feature was used to automatically notify the users about deadlines. The was inspired by the instructions in the following links (instructions of Marc):



The whining feature relies on Saved Searches. A 'saved search' is to be created and the search should be done for every member of a group. To execute the saved search for everybody, a group should be created that contains all the users of Bugzilla. This could be done by using the user RegExp '.*'.

Then, the Save Search 'Tasks due soon' was created. It searches all the products for bugs that are open (NEW, ASSIGNED, REOPENED). Then the advanced search (boolean charts) was used to search for only the bugs for which the current user is assigned (Assignee 'is equal to' '%user%') or cc'ed (CC 'is equal to' '%user%'). This was done using the bugzilla Pronoun Substitution feature (http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/2.20/html/query.html). In addition, the bug should have its deadline due soon or overdue (Deadline 'is less than' '+3d'). The final saved search looks like this:

Finally, from the Whining feature in administration, all the pieces were put together as follows:

In sum, the saved search entitled 'Tasks due soon' should be run 'Each day' 'at 15:00' for every member of the group 'everybody' and the search results should be sent 'one message per bug' to the '%user%'.

One question may arise, since we are running the search for all the users, how did we guarantee that the email will be sent to the bug assignee only and not to everybody? This was done using the Pronoun Substitution feature of Bugzilla. Basically, '%user%' is being automatically substituted for by the current user for which the search is done. So, if the current user is not the assignee or on the CC of the bug, there will be no search results, and consequently, there will be no emails sent!

We are not done yet! One final thing needs to be done. Add the whine.pl to your hourly cron, so that cron would automatically run the whine.pl script and Bugzilla start whining. This was done by adding a script 'bugzilla3' under '/etc/cron.hourly/' on a Debian Lenny system. The script was adopted from the 'bugzilla3' script under '/etc/cron.daily/'. Its code is:


set -e

umask 022



if [ -f /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/whine.pl ] ; then

su www-data -c /usr/share/bugzilla3/lib/whine.pl



# process the main configuration: /etc/bugzilla3


exit 0

That is all!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sound in GNU Octave on Debian Lenny

I was very disappointed by the poor sound capabilities of the GNU Ocatve project compared to MATLAB. The playaudio() function was inconvenient with nasty '/dev/dsp device or resource busy' messages. This was until I installed the octave-audio package in Debian and had the powerful sound() and soundsc() functions working.

The nasty thing is that those functions didn't work out of the box. They needed to call a play command from the shell. Finally, I discovered that this command is part of the sox package on Debian. I apt-get install sox and now, sound() and soundsc() are working perfectly!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Installing OpenOffice.org 3.0 on Debian Lenny (stable)

There is no OpenOffice.org 3.0 in lenny-backports till now and I need it! So, I grabbed it from sid (unstable). This discussion helped me a lot:

In short, you need to

  1. add to your repositories (/etc/apt/sources.list)
    deb http://www.backports.org/debian lenny-backports main contrib non-free
  2. Also add to your repositories
    deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian sid main
  3. To stay with the stable and not install packages from unstable by default, we need to add the following to /etc/apt/apt.conf APT::Default-Release "stable";

  4. Then do aptitude install openoffice.org/unstable

Voila! Hope it does not break your system!

UPDATE: OpenOffice.org is now available in Lenny-backports. Now you do not need step 2. So, instead type aptitude install openoffice.org/lenny-backports

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The long-waited Qt 4.5 Released :)

Qt 4.5 is now officially released.

With the LGPL v2.1 licensing option added, I expect the widespread adoption of Qt into commercial applications!

Qt 4.5 is even better suited for the medical field, combining reliability, performance, flexibility, nice look-and-feel, among other advantages.

Qt 4.5 now has -graphicssystem command-line option to switch the graphics engine of Qt applications to raster or even OpenGL without any change to the code. Yes, your application can draw itself using OpenGL without requiring you to change a single line of code, check:

Moreover, you can have a custom widget plotting itself using OpenGL without requiring the rest of the application to use OpenGL, check:

The LGPL v2.1 has one drawback regarding the use of templates in C++, check:
However, it is stated on the Qt Labs Blogs that Nokia is working on an LGPL exception to overcome this problem. Let's wait and see :)

With a framework so powerful and flexible like Qt, one can ask: Are we watching the dawn of Qt and the sunset of Java and .Net??

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Adding PDF headers, footers, and watermarks in GNU/Linux

Recently I needed to add a header/footer to an existing PDF file. With some help from this link, I figured it out:

First, use OpenOffice.org Writer (for example) to generate a single-page PDF file that has the needed header/footer/watermark.

Second, use pdftk's background option. Quoting from the man page of pdftk:

pdftk in.pdf background back.pdf output out.pdf

the back.pdf is the file you created that has the needed header/footer/watermark. The in.pdf is the file you need to apply header/footer/watermark to. The result, of course, is saved into out.pdf.

You can also use the dual option stamp instead of background. This will overlay the back.pdf on top of every page of in.pdf.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Debian Lenny is out... at last!

Debian 5.0 (codenamed "Lenny") is out. Check:
It appears that Debian 5.0 (aka "Lenny") will soon take its big binocular eyes out into the wider world. The Debian project has completed the first release-candidate of Lenny's installer, which features much-improved support for ARM-based devices, along with much faster installation from "live" CDs

The next stable release of Debian is codenamed "Squeeze". Check:
Prepare yourself for Squeeze, that’s right the little green guy. Continuing with the Toy Story names the Debian project has decided to name the next release in the line up after the three eyed green alien who fears “the claw” at Pizza Planet in the movie Toy Story

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Free Books on "Design Patterns in C++" and Qt

Today is my lucky day :)

I found two free books about Qt and Design Patterns.

The first book is
C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4

The first edition of this book could be downloaded _legally_ for free here:

The second book is a magnificent one. It is the first book I see to explain C++ and Design Patterns in a Qt-ish style!

The book is free as in freedom! It is released online under the Open Publication License (OPL) here:

This is NOT a book, it is a complete PROJECT that I think people should actively contribute to... The bugzilla server for this project and many useful materials could be found here:

For convenience, you can download the whole book compiled into chm format here:

Enjoy the cute Qt!